Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bubble Map: Medieval and Modern Exploration

Sir Francis Drake

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fall of Aztec Empire

Why did the Aztecs Fall?
Well once the Spanish arrived the Aztecs felt as if he was a God because of his skin complexion, but as time progressed they realize he wasn't a God at all, so they had decided to get back at him by trying to attack him and along with the rest of his people. Later on, the Spanish found out their plan to attack them, so the Spanish decided to play along. They killed 6,000 Aztecs. Next, Hernan Cortes and 600 soldiers had sailed out to conquer Moctezuma and the Aztec Empire, he made friends with the Aztecs and they led him to Tenochtitlan, when he arrived in the capital city he received a gold necklace.Unfortunately, there was a battle between Moctezuma and Cortes and he ended up dying. In the end many of the Aztecs got sicked because of the viruses and diseases that the Spanish had spread to them and as for the Spanish they just blocked off the water supply and once again the Aztecs died, but because of dehydration.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Japanese Geography Art

Here is a nice drawing illustrating the natural beauty of the waves and also the mountains.